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Hi, I'm Cyrus Lubangakene !


I design design and develop laptop


web sites .

I am also CCTV Technician, system Developer, and IT Specialist ...

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First, I always get what you


want and your ideas...


Then an analysis and a


direction for your task...


My creativities then take place


for all my Website designs.


Finally, I code and Publish


your responsive web sites!


You are probably wondering


how much I charge?????

Hello Cyrus 👋 👋
I am a Director and I need a web site for my organisation, Kitgum Skateboard Society. Our Purpose is to encourage practice and advancement of the members in skateboarding, and other skating activities in the upcountry;
We Sponsor and produce exhibitions and skate contests

Okay, great! 👏 😀
I will take care of everything, first I will design and share with you. Once validated,
I develop your web site, and you confirm before putting it online!

Perfect, when do we start 🤷💪?

Today!! 🙎 👇👇👇

About Us

Kitgum Skateboard Society aims to encourage Instructions, Practices and Advancement of the members in skateboarding. Any person of good character is eligible for membership


The Club shall accept donations, gifts, legacies, and heritages from person for use in promoting its purposes to offer competitive opportunities in Skateboard around the district and region

👇 My Solution 👇

Get your Feedback

"   Changing life with skateboarding? It Has Real-time chat support, and creativity.
I like it Please🙏"

Light and warm page

"  Thanks to the cool colors, the layout, photos, and the illustrations.

Promote the product

Putting forward its usefulness allows to address a neutral clientele.

Light and warm page

Thanks to the colors, the borders and the illustrations.

How much
does it cost?

Just tell me about your project, the cost will depend on the System, Features needed and Pages required.

What's next?

Payment will be done after complession of your project! For system developed, Training hours are included to teach you how to use, modify or add content.

Sleep easy

You can let me support and update your site contents for free, or a monthly subscription. Thanks🙏🙏...

My most beautiful achievements

All my achievements are available on linkedin for the passion, and on Github for the code


infoTECH Computer Services

I design and develop websites that are beautiful, intuitive, and accessible.

I am passionate about graphic design and web development. This creative combination of code logic and design aesthetics allows me to work efficiently in both fields, without intermediary.

I also create your brand image, your logo, your banner...

I can provide you with a brand identity and a website, from a simple idea. My collaborators appreciate my versatility. The quality of my work is ensured by my experience in agency.

Discover my career path (Resume)

.Graphic and ui design

.Web development

©2024 Cyrus LuB'Kene